September 6, 2020
Background Scripture: Genesis 25:28; 35:23 – 26
Lesson Passage: Genesis 37:2 – 11, 23 – 24a, 28
Bad things often happen when a parent of multiple children shows greater delight in one child versus the others. Jacob was the product of this type of biased love. Jacob’s mother loved him more whereas his father loved his brother Esau more. Although Esau was born first, Jacob got the firstborn’s birthright and Isaac’s blessing as a result of manipulations—including the involvement of their mother. The influences of his earlier life apparently influenced Jacob’s behavior with his own children. Jacob fathered twelve sons and a daughter by his two wives and their maids. Jacob did not hide the fact that he delighted in his son, Joseph, more than the rest of his children. Jacob even gave Joseph a multicolored tunic as a special gift to highlight his delight in Joseph. Also, it should be noted that Jacob loved his wife, Rachel, more than he loved his wife, Leah. Jacob was tricked into marrying Leah, but he worked fourteen years for the privilege of marrying Rachel. Joseph was the eleventh son born to Jacob and the first child Rachel bore for him. No doubt, Jacob’s love for Rachel had something to do with his biased love towards her firstborn child, Joseph. Of course, Joseph’s younger brother, Benjamin, was the last son born to Jacob. But that’s not the whole story. The bible says Jacob loved Joseph more because he was the son of his old age. After the birth of his first ten sons and a daughter, it is possible that Jacob thought he would have no other children. Since Rachel had not conceived and bore a child prior to Joseph, it would have been reasonable for Jacob not to expect a child by her. Whatever the reason for Jacob’s biased love, there are a few facts that are very clear. Jacob loved Joseph more than his brothers and Jacob expressed it. Furthermore, the multicolored tunic was not easy to overlook. The tunic stood out. His brothers saw the tunic and the favoritism, and they hated the tunic and Joseph. Add to this the fact that Joseph was a tattletale. Jacob would send Joseph to spy on his brothers while they were supposed to be working. Joseph’s brothers waited for the opportunity to deal with Joseph and to rid themselves of having to look at him wearing that multicolored tunic around them. The opportunity came one day while they were working. Joseph showed up to bring them a meal and to take back a report of their work to their father. They seized Joseph and stripped him of the tunic and threw him into an empty pit. Then they removed him from the pit and sold him to a traveling caravan of Ishmaelites. Their problem was resolved—temporarily. This event set off a series of unfortunate events during the formative years of Joseph’s life from his late teens into young adulthood. I don’t believe God intended for bad things to happen to Joseph. However, God brought good out of all the bad that Joseph had to go through. God always has the final say. On the other hand, parents should take care that they don’t show biased love towards their children. Joseph’s early life shows how damaging a parent’s biased love can be. Although God brought Joseph out on top, one can never go back and relive their childhood once it is pass. Bad decisions can affect the quality of life for people. However, it is comforting to know that God always controls the outcome—even in the case of biased love.
Robert C. Hudson
August 24, 2020