Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Called for the World’s Belief

January 24, 2021 Background Scripture: John 17:14 – 24 Lesson Passage: John 17:14 – 24 Today’s scripture is an excerpt from a prayer of Jesus. This prayer is often referred to as Jesus’ High Priestly prayer. Chapter 17 is dedicated solely to this prayer. In it, Jesus prayed for himself, his disciples, and for all believers. That last part is important for Christians today. Jesus petitioned God for everyone who believed in him as a result of the witness of his disciples. A Christian never needs to worry whether Jesus prays for them or if he has ever prayed for them. Here in John 17, they can read the words Jesus spoke in praying to God on behalf of Christians today. Jesus’ prayer reiterated much of what he taught during his earthly ministry. Jesus’ ministry was intended to affect mankind positively throughout history until the end of time. Jesus did not come to earth to call eleven faithful disciples and win a few converts to eternal salvation. Jesus’ ministry was the beginning of a movement of reconciliation. Jesus came that mankind would have the opportunity to be reconciled to God. We are challenged in trying to accept that the gift of salvation is only an offer until one accepts it. For a person to be created in the image of likeness of God, there is the need for that person to be a free moral agent. Simply put, a human needs the power of choice if they are to reflect God’s image and likeness. The gift of salvation does not take that away from people. Lower animals are driven by instinct not individual will. A cat is a cat, and a dog is a dog, but they can be trained to behave otherwise. A cat or dog does not wake up one day and decide to behave differently. They have no will and therefore they are not free moral agents. Human beings can continuously remake themselves into whatever their minds can conceive. However, this is restricted to earthly life and living. Sin created a chasm between mankind and God. It is impossible for mankind to cross the gap that separates us from God. Therefore, God, in Christ, crossed the gap to reach mankind and built a bridge to Himself. This bridge is only accessible through faith, or belief, in the offer of salvation that is extended by Jesus. That’s why eternal salvation in the presence of God is only achieved through the individual’s personal belief in the saving power of Jesus Christ. To be saved any other way reduces humanity to the same level as cats and dogs. God, in what appeared to be spiritual frustration, declared to Moses: “But truly, as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord.” This would be a fulfillment of God’s intention in creating mankind: “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion … over all the earth”. Mankind was created to be a physical reflection of God in the physical world God created. When God looks upon His physical creation, He intends to see a physical reflection of Himself in mankind. Sin corrupts and distorts the image of God in mankind. Therefore, when God looks upon His creation, He does not see a physical reflection of His glory. Jesus came to restore holiness in mankind so we can properly reflect God’s glory. All that does not reflect the glory of God will be destroyed at the end of time. Our personal belief in Jesus, that resulted from the witness of his disciples, allows us to become part of the reflection of God’s glory. Jesus was called to come into the world to establish and put in motion the movement to extend eternal salvation to mankind. The world can receive eternal salvation when the world believes the witness of Jesus’ disciples. Robert C. Hudson December 7, 2020