October 17, 2021
Background Scripture: Psalm 107
Lesson Passage: Psalm 107:1 - 9, 39 - 43
In our lesson today, the psalmist repeats an all too familiar pattern for believers. This pattern involves trouble, prayer, deliverance, and praise. Troubles arise in our lives for many reasons. There are some situations that the Lord may lead us into, and we will sometimes attempt to survive those situations without the Lord's directions or help. However, if the situation persists, or even grows more dire, then children of God will cry out to Him for help, and He delivers us. This deliverance is followed by praise and, sometimes, public thanksgiving. At other times, troubles come because children of God rebel against His revealed word. Note that spiritual rebellion is never done in ignorance. As rebels, we know what we are doing. As we rebel against God, we are reminded that there is no other who can help us in times of despair. So, once again, we cry out in prayer to God for help. Despite our rebellion, God faithfully delivers us from the consequences of our rebellion.
Again, we sincerely praise God for deliverance. Some situations arise due to sinful living by children of God. Sinful living causes us to feel the despair of separation from God. Again, God's faithfulness is displayed, and He delivers us from our trouble. All these situations are mentioned by the psalmist. Finally, the psalmist changes his focus from God's continuous deliverance of His children to God changing the fortunes of those who are not His, and who continuously strive against Him. Political positions and worldly wealth do not exempt or shield sinners from God's divine justice. Even the high and mighty cannot escape God's judgment. God brings them down low, and He elevates the poor to high places. This causes rejoicing in those who are in right standing with God. Those who walk, or live, contrary to the will of God will be made mute when they observe the display of His power in promoting the poor and demoting the royalty of this world. The psalmist's conclusion is that those who can perceive these things with wisdom, can understand the grace of God. This is another psalm that extols the excellency of God's track record. This is often summarized today by saying, "If God doesn't do anything else (for me), He has done enough." Anyone who sincerely reflects on God's past display of love, grace, and mercy will readily declare that God is worthy to be praised. Everything God has revealed to us that He has done is worthy of praise. God does not need to be graded on the curve—as if we are qualified to do so! God does all things well Even when we err and go astray, God rescues us from our own calamities. Put another way, God rescues us from our own foolishness. God does not put us in a situation that He does not stay with us through it. From a physical standpoint, God might put His children in situations that seem much more dire than what we get ourselves into. But through those situations, God demonstrates His unfailing love for us. I am reminded of Daniel being placed in the den of lions because he refused to deny his relationship with God. Or when Daniel's friends, the three Hebrew boys, were put in the fiery furnace for the same reason, God allowed them to face punishment for their faith in Him, but He used their punishment to demonstrate that His love for them was more powerful, by far, than any physical punishment they could face. The lions did not harm Daniel and the fire was just as ineffective against his friends. Today, we have our own testimonies. And because of our testimonies, we can praise God for past deliverance!
Robert C. Hudson
September 17, 2021