November 14, 2021
Background Scripture: Revelation 11
Lesson Passage: Revelation 11 — 19
When we look at the world around us and its intricate details and order, we should be convinced that there is a God Who created all of this. We can go beyond that and look at the elements beyond earth that can be seen in a clear sky at night. God created that too. The God Who created everything is obviously very powerful. The scripture says, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." In other words, there is enough evidence in nature to declare the existence of a Creator. Indeed, there is enough physical evidence for us to be in awe of God whether we know Him or not. The power He possesses should frighten us. Yet, there are some people who will push the limits until God demonstrates some of His power in correcting them. We have proof in the Book of Revelation that some of those people will continue to exist until the world, as we know it, is destroyed. In our Lesson Background, God sent two witnesses to cry out against the evil powers in the earth. Their names are not given but the power from God that they wielded was described. Their power was like that given to Moses and Elijah during their earthly ministries. According to Israel's history, the departure of these two from this world was controlled by God in an extraordinary manner. Moses was on top of a mountain with God when he died, and God buried his body in an unknown grave. God sent a chariot of fire that carried Elijah into the sky while his protégé, Elisha, looked on. So, there is no wonder that these two unnamed witnesses would appear to be these two faithful prophets of God. Despite the powers they possessed to fight against those who would harm them, they did succumb to the beast from the bottomless pit that killed them. Their bodies lay in the streets while the wicked people of the earth celebrated their demise. They were so overjoyed by the destruction of God's two witnesses that they celebrated by sending gifts to each other; their death was treated like a special holiday on earth. Then God sent the breath of life back into their dead bodies and they lived again to the wonder of those on earth. Then God called them back up and they ascended in a cloud as their enemies watched. Afterwards, God sent an earthquake that killed thousands. The survivors gave glow to God out of fear. At the sound of a trumpet, there was an announcement that John heard in Heaven. The announcement was that God had retaken control of the kingdoms on earth. Twenty-four elders prostrated themselves and worshipped God. Much of the Lesson Passage is the text of the elders' testimony of worship. They praised God for His eternal being and the display of His power to rule the universe. They also anticipated the judgement of the wicked dead and the rewarding by God of the righteous who trusted in Him. The enemies of God who fought against Him by destroying the earth would be destroyed by God. Then John saw the answer to a great earthly mystery. No one has known the whereabouts of the ark of God's covenant for centuries. The ark's location was revealed to John. It was safe in the temple of God in heaven. With its revelation to John, nature responded with earthquakes, lightning, thunder, and hail. God's engraved covenant has been perfectly preserved and secured in God's presence for many years, It has been kept by God's power; the same power that was demonstrated in the destruction of God's enemies on earth. He is a God of power.
Robert C. Hudson
October 16, 2021