January 2, 2022
Background Scripture: Genesis 4
Lesson Passage: Genesis 4:1 -15
The coronavirus pandemic has not led to lower crime rates as might have been expected with less travel and more lockdowns nationwide. In fact, our nation has experienced an uptick of homicides during the past two years. Perhaps it is fitting that we should begin this year's study by reviewing the first case of murder in human history. In this study, we can examine the root cause of the murder, consider the repercussions of it, and review God's response to it. It is very important that we review and try to understand God's response to this atrocity. The first three chapters of Genesis provide an overview of the creation of the universe, the creation of animal life on earth, and the creation of mankind. Adam was created in righteousness in the image and likeness of God. God gave Adam the freedom to use his will to make decisions, except he was told to avoid one specific fruit. Adam was given dominion over the creatures of the earth. With a rib from Adam, God made Eve to be a perfect helper for Adam. Today we refer to this as living in Paradise, or God's perfect place for humanity to exist. That ideal situation ended when Adam disobeyed God and ate the one fruit God told him not to eat. Adam and Eve had to live with some consequences of his disobedience to God. They were expelled from the Garden of Eden, where they were caretakers, and sent to till the ground and battle the elements to grow food for themselves. God told Adam that the burden of the work would cause him to perspire, and that they would eventually experience physical death. God told Eve that she would experience pain in labor bringing forth children. God provided for them garments to wear that were made from animal skins. In the course of time, Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. The Bible mentions only one conception and two births, so it is likely that they were twins. Cain followed in his father's footsteps and became a farmer while Abel chose to become a shepherd. They each brought a portion of the fruit of their labor to God as an offering. Cain brought some of the produce of his crop after the harvest. Abel brought from some of the firstborn lambs and their fat. The Bible does not reveal to us how God did it, but it says that God showed favor to the offering presented by Abel but not to Cain's offering. God's response angered Cain, God told Cain that he could still do what God would be pleased with. And if Cain did, then God would accept him. Note that rejecting the offering also meant that the one bringing the offering was also being rejected, God warned Cain that if he did not seek to please God, it would lead to sin. Cain rebelled against God's instructions and, out of jealousy, killed his brother, Abel. God told Cain that farming would no longer be productive for him. Cain would live the rest of his life as a vagabond, or hobo, eating whatever he could find. As a result of his sin, Cain felt vulnerable to becoming the victim of murder at the hands of someone else. But God told Cain that if someone kills him, then they would be punished sevenfold for it. This was God's act of mercy on behalf of Cain. Cain faced repercussions for his sin just as his parents had. When Cain failed to please God, God gave him the opportunity to do so. When Cain committed the sin of murder, God extended mercy, but He did not exonerate him of his sin. We may think that Adam eating the forbidden fruit was not as severe as Cain murdering his brother. However, in the righteous holiness of God, they were both sins that had to be punished according to God's justice. Yet, even while punishing the sinner, God still extends divine mercy.
Robert C. Hudson
December 9, 2021