May 15, 2022
Background Scripture: Galatians 3
Lesson Passage: Galatians 3:18 - 29
Admittedly, we get a lot of things twisted when it comes to New Testament doctrine versus Old Testament doctrine. Perhaps nothing compares to the confusion that surrounds the relationship between the Law of the Old Testament and grace in the New Testament. I believe we should always start with the understanding that God gave both, the Law and grace. Knowing this, we can clearly conclude that there should be no contradiction between Law and grace. There is no contradiction in God. One method the Apostle Paul used to show there is no contradiction is by noting three important historical milestones. First, Paul pointed out the relationship between God and Abraham that was based on Abraham's belief in what God promised him. God accepted Abraham's belief in
His promise as putting Abraham in right standing with Him. Put another way, God considered
Abraham to be righteous based solely on the fact that Abraham sincerely believed what God told him.
Second, Paul noted that God gave the Law through Moses over four hundred and thirty years after God had declared Abraham to be righteous based on Abraham's belief in Him. Those two points make it clear that Abraham had been considered in right standing with God over four centuries before the Law was given. Finally, Paul noted that Jesus came after both events proclaiming faith (belief in God) for salvation. All who accept the message of salvation by faith are brought into the right relationship with God. This happens without a person demonstrating the ability to live according to the Law. Then what is the purpose of the Law? The Law was decreed by God to define holiness. Holiness is the state that a person must attain if they are to be in the right relationship with God. We don't know what God requires for a person to be in right relationship with Him except we have knowledge of the Law. In other words, if a person wants to be in the right relationship with God based on their own efforts, the Law details how to do it. The catch is anyone who has attempted to do what the Law requires has failed miserably. Anyone who sincerely wants to live according to the Law is confronted with an internal conflict that makes the person desire to do the opposite. The Law is like a spiritual mirror that allows one to see the unholiness that exist within one's own flesh. It is that unholiness of human flesh that causes us to rebel against the Law of God. And therein is the purpose of the Law. The Law reveals in us the unholiness that is against God and leading to our eternal condemnation by God. Grace is the call of God that draws us to Him that He might impart holiness to us. And when we dare to believe what God promises us through the grace of Jesus Christ, God brings us into right standing with Him. With that, we are accepted by God in the same way Abraham was accepted, and we become the children of Abraham because of our faith. After that, we are called by God to walk in that faith. Any attempt to use our own effort to follow the Law, after having been saved by grace, is confusion on our part. No one is made holy by keeping the Law. The Law is available to show us our need of grace—even as a tutor teaches us so that we understand what we previously did not know. A mirror cannot fix anything a person sees that is wrong with them based on their reflection in it. The reflection allows one to see what needs fixing. The mirror cannot fix the reflection. Sin is bondage. The Law allows us to see the chains, but the Law cannot remove them. Only grace can give us freedom and that is accomplished apart from the Law!
Robert C. Hudson
May 2, 2022