November 6, 2022
Background Scripture: Acts 19; Ephesians 1:1 - 14; Revelation 2:1 - 7
Lesson Passage: Ephesians 1:1 - 14
The Background Scripture for today's lesson contains three passages that reference the Christian congregation located at Ephesus. God led Paul to establish that congregation beginning with twelve people who were disciples, or followers, of John the Baptist's teaching. After Paul led the initial twelve converts to receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, he remained in Ephesus for two years teaching concerning the things of the kingdom. God worked many miracles through Paul during that time. Those miracles validated Paul's ministry. This caused the word of God to be spread throughout that region. Paul's ministry was met with much opposition by some of the locals because of the entrenched worship of the goddess Diana in that area. Ephesus was the location of the great temple built and dedicated to Diana. Many Ephesian merchants earned a living creating and selling wares dedicated to Diana. The Christian congregation at Ephesus was seen as a threat by those merchants. The church at Ephesus is also addressed by John in the first of the seven letters God directed him to write to different congregations in the Book of Revelation. The Ephesian congregation was reminded to return to their original faith that was first delivered to them. Christian congregations are not shielded from the influence and temptations of the world, Each must struggle in its physical location to remain faithful to their calling in Christ Jesus. Demonic activities and the lust of the flesh intensify the struggle. Individual members of the congregation and those sent by God to serve the congregation are at the frontline of this spiritual warfare. Oftentimes, there is need for encouragement to persevere through it all. Words of encouragement for the Ephesian Christians can be found in the opening salutation of the letter Paul wrote to them. Paul reminded them that their salvation had been orchestrated by God. Everything needed for salvation had been accomplished by Jesus Christ through the giving of His life as the payment for sin. God, in His infinite wisdom and divine foreknowledge, had determined beforehand the salvation He had planned for them. God accomplished all this before He created the world. This was not fate, but a carefully developed and executed plan of salvation that includes the willful acceptance by mankind. Because of His foreknowledge, God knows who will accept His plan and who will not. All who will accept God's plan of salvation are preserved in life by God and brought to the point where a personal decision can be made. At no point does God remove the free will of the individual. Accepting salvation in Jesus Christ is always a personal decision. God predestines those who will make that choice to be adopted into His family.
Predestination and the Christian Doctrine of Election can be difficult concepts to grasp in an age where people are taught to rely on themselves only. "Education is the key to your future." "Work hard and keep your nose clean and life will work out just fine for you." "The key to life is to treat people the way you want to be treated." All those statements are great advice to anyone. However, anyone who attempts to go through life without a relationship with God will be disappointed in the future. We can set goals and have great aspirations in life. Goals and aspirations do not create purpose in a person's life. The greatest joy is to realize that one's purpose in life is to come into the right relationship with God and grow in that relationship. The joy comes from the knowledge that God picked you!
Robert C. Hudson
October 26, 2022