November 17, 2024
Background Scripture: Psalm 100
Lesson Passage: Psalm 100
As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, we should allow this psalm to remind us of the many reasons for which we should be thankful. Our gratitude for God is expressed in personal praise of God. No matter how small the incident or overwhelming the miracle, praise to God is the appropriate response to the blessings from God. We often take for granted clean air, water, and adequate food. Yet, someone somewhere is praying for each, if not all, of these. Sadly, we live in a country with the general mentality that blessings from God are those things beyond our basic needs. We see our basic needs as privileges we receive because we were born into this world. Sometimes it takes a funeral to remind us that life is a blessing. I believe that we bring ourselves to spontaneous praise as individuals by simply taking time to count our blessings one-by-one. That certainly causes me to praise God and offer a prayer of gratitude. But what about group praise and worship? I have seen people appear to be overjoyed talking about God and I was not moved emotionally by it. I have heard spiritual songs sang and I could not relate to the lyrics. I have also been around praise and worship of God that was contagious. I cannot delineate what separates the one from the other in terms of how I was affected by the testimony or praise and worship of others. I just know that some praise and worship of God is contagious. And when it occurs, eve1Y professed saved person who's there catch what's in the atmosphere. The words, or lyrics, of Psalm 100 often has that effect on hearers. It begins with the opening verse which encourages others to give a shout of joy to the Lord. This admonishment goes forth to everybody all over the world and throughout succeeding generations. It is as relevant for people of the world today as it was thousands of years ago when it was written. It is not a command as much as it is a reminder to refocus our priorities to consider the God of creation who caused us to exist today. We thank God for life! And when one discovers God's assignment for one's life, it is a joy for us to know what God expects of us that would be pleasing to Him. It is that service we render unto Him with gladness. When we cannot express it with mere words of gratitude, we rely on the spirit-inspired lyrics of the saints of old. Those lyrics become our song as we experience God's very presence with us. To know that there is only one true and living God is satisfying.
But to know that He allows us to come to know Him exudes worship from our innermost being. He is our creator! We are because He is. We were formed in His image and likeness. He has called us His peculiar treasure. We are not just His creation; we are His children and very special possession. We are blessed to enter a place where God promises to make His presence known in a special way. We celebrate this even as we enter the place of worship. We are confident that God meets us at the place of worship. We are also confident and grateful that God always meets us at our time of need no matter where we might be at the time. Even when we have been unfaithful towards Him, God's mercy and grace always supersedes His righteous judgment. Only God can judge our sin and totally spare the sinner a just punishment that is due, Only God cares enough about us that He suffered the consequences of our sin so that holiness would prevail, and we would be spared. Everything about God is eternal. His person, mercy, and truth. And for this, we make a joyful noise throughout all lands to the glory of our God!
Robert C. Hudson
October 28, 2024