January 26, 2025
Background Scripture: Psalm 145
Lesson Passage: Psalm 145: 1, 10 — 21
Few persons presented in the bible expressed praise to God in the way David praised Him. Perhaps that is why God said David was a person after His own heart. The biblical account of David's life shows the frailties of his humanity. The bible reveals that David had many faults, but the bible also reveals that David was especially sensitive to the will of God. When David was confronted about his behavior not being aligned with God's will, David quickly repented and acknowledged his sin. David was not ignorant of his sins prior to being confronted. However, David demonstrated the proper response when one is confronted with his sins. David was a musician and a prolific writer of psalms. Psalm 145 is one of them. Approximately one half of the psalms in the Book of Psalms were written by David. One can feel the sincerity expressed by the words in the psalms David penned. It appears that David wrote some psalms as a vehicle for Israel to praise God in unison. God declares Israel to be His people. For this reason, Israel should praise God. What leads a person of God to praise Him? Often it is recalling the mighty works God has performed and is performing. When one has a personal relationship with God, deliverance by God in a time of distress will cause a praise that will continue forward beyond the blessing of deliverance. David wrote about one generation praising God for His mighty works to another generation. As one grows spiritually, then God is even praised for how He blesses others. As God blesses others, we can observe certain aspects of God's character. We see God's compassion and grace extended to others. And we praise Him for it. David proclaimed that all the works of God shall praise Him. Every living thing finds fulfillment in the Lord. When we don't know what to ask Him for, God provides exactly what we need. This would be amazing even if it were temporary. However, God's dominion lasts forever. Those blessed with salvation can see and bask in the glory of God throughout eternity. That's motivation enough to declare God to those who do not know Him as their Savior. God is not righteous at various times, God is always righteous. God is the standard of righteousness. Everyone comes short of His glory because our righteousness is seen as filthy rags compared to God's standard of righteousness. True righteousness is what God expects of those called by His name. God expects us to be holy because He is holy. Our faith in the Lord brings us into right standing with God. This happens without removing our faults and shortcomings. Despite our shortcomings, God gives us everything we need to satisfy our desire. Everything God does is righteous and His works are acts of grace towards the undeserving. Even in such majesty, God is an ever-present help to all who call upon Him. God comes close enough to us to allow His Spirit to live within us. We do not deserve such love and kindness from a holy God. God is always attentive to the cry of His own for deliverance. Whether one passes through the flood or the flame, God preserves His own. God has enemies and His children do too. God has declared that He will one day destroy all who are wicked while preserving those who love Him. Today, the children of God know Him. One day all will know Him. Every tongue will praise God for His righteousness. Every knee will bow in humble reverence to the eternal Ruler. We who are saved are blessed to know God today, even as the wicked flourish and appear to live forever. One day the wicked will be no more. Only those who are in right standing with God will remain. Even then, we will extol the name of our righteous God. Because Jesus has conformed to all that God expects, He is forever righteous.
Robert C. Hudson
January 10, 2025