August 2, 2015
Background Scripture: Isaiah 59; Psalm 89:11 – 18
Lesson Passage: Isaiah 59:15 – 21
Isaiah was the most prolific of the writing prophets. The scope of his prophecy covers the range of the bible from Genesis to Revelation. Although much of the prophecy contains warnings about God’s judgment, it ends with a strong message of hope for the people of God. One message that comes across loud and clear is that God will judge Israel and her enemies. Although God may use unjust nations to punish Israel, those nations will face the wrath of God. If God punishes His people for iniquity, then how much more will God pour out His wrath against the unrighteousness of the wicked. Israel will be saved because it pleases God to honor His covenant with her forefathers. However, Israel has to repent and return to God for redemption. Because of sin, Israel was sold into captivity. The message of hope is that the captivity is for a limited time. Afterwards, Israel would be redeemed and restored to a right relationship with God. Today’s lesson points toward Zion’s ultimate redemption. It will only be necessary for the Redeemer to redeem Israel once because His work is eternal. This redeemer would stand in the gap and intercede between God and His people. The redemption would be once for all because the Redeemer ever lives to make intercession for the people of God. Hidden in the message of hope is God’s role in the redemption. God declared that there was no intercessor to stand between mankind and Him. Therefore, God took on the task Himself. The role would require spiritual warfare. Therefore, God clothed Himself for the spiritual battle. The Lord put on His armor of vengeance and came against his enemies and the enemies of His people. Unlike the Christian’s armor that is designed to withstand the attacks of Satan and his evil demons, the Lord’s armor includes provision for vengeance and zeal. Perhaps the Lord’s zeal, or eagerness to execute vengeance, lies in the absence of justice among His people. This warfare will not be waged in Heaven but rather the Lord will come to Zion. The enemy will be powerless to overcome the Lord. The enemy will attempt to attack the people of God but his effort will be thwarted. When the enemy goes on the attack, the Lord will lift up a protective spiritual barrier that the enemy will not be able to penetrate. God will destroy the enemy in the midst of His people. Israel’s long awaited Messiah will bring vengeance against her adversaries. Since the days of David, Israel had looked for the promised redeemer to deliver her and rule over her in peace. The prophet’s message reassured Israel that the Deliverer would come. After seasons of apostasy and punishment, the final redemption will take place and Israel will enter into the glory of the Lord. She will not have to go and seek redemption; for the Redeemer will come to Zion.
Robert C. Hudson
July 17, 2015