July 26, 2015
Background Scripture: Micah 7:11 – 20
Lesson Passage: Micah 7:14 – 20
The bible presents so many qualities and attributes that stand out when it speaks of God. At the risk of over-simplifying it, I believe it is reasonable to say that there are two qualities that people of God should identify with perhaps more than others; these are love and mercy. In fact, I believe the scriptures make detailed references to both when one considers the entire bible. Oftentimes, it is easy for me to boast of the love of God that He makes available to whosoever. After all, who doesn’t want to receive unmerited love? Once you have received it, it’s worth boasting about. God’s mercy, on the other hand, stands in contrast to the backdrop of human ethical and moral depravity and failure. We can speak of our reciprocating love as a proper response to the expression of God’s love in our lives. Reciprocating is not so easy when we reflect on our continuous need of God’s mercy. In fact, it takes a bit of spiritual maturity to admit that our need for God’s mercy is indeed continuous. God’s mercy is a reminder of just how frail human nature is and how our natural person is an enemy of God. Mercy is not just received but it demands the acknowledgement of guilt and the desire for mercy. We know this. On a human level, it is not always easy to extend mercy to others but we find it easier when the offending party admits wrong doing. Even then, we will sometimes only grant mercy conditionally. We might offer a probationary period or we might insist on seeing some fruits of contrition. That’s where I believe the greatest division happens that separates human mercy from God’s mercy. God’s mercy is unparalleled. God can and often does grant us mercy unconditionally. Sometimes before we even know we stand in need of mercy, God grants mercy without us so much as repenting or confessing our guilt. Such was the case when God sent the prophet, Nathan, to talk to King David about his sin. David confessed his sin while the prophet talked with him and Nathan told David that God had already put his sin away. God had provided mercy even before David was confronted with his sin and requested mercy. Note that God’s mercy did not remove all of the consequences of David’s sin. The ultimate goal of sin is to destroy the sinner but God’s mercy prevents the destruction of people who are kept by Him. David’s life faced much turmoil after his sin but he was not destroyed. In our lesson today, Israel is reminded by the prophet, Micah, that in spite of her sins and ensuing punishment, God’s mercy will prevail and the enemies of God were going to see it and be confounded. God would once again bless His people openly. (He prepares a table before us in the presence of our enemies.) God’s delight in giving mercy will be on display. God will remember the covenant He made with the forefathers of Israel and again honor it. Everyone is capable of showing mercy but none can compare to God’s matchless mercy.
Robert C. Hudson
July 10, 2015