March 19, 2017
Background Scripture: John 15:1 – 17
Lesson Passage: John 15:1 – 17
John’s account of the gospel includes one of the most informative passages in the Bible relative to the teachings of Jesus within hours of his crucifixion. It covers five chapters and most of the writing is in red for those with a red letter edition of the Bible. Of course the red letters indicate that those words were spoken by Jesus. The passage covers the time between Jesus’ final Passover Supper and his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus dismissed Judas from the meeting near the beginning of the passage prior to instituting the Lord’s Supper that is detailed in the synoptic accounts of the gospel. Then Jesus poured out his heart to the eleven disciples prior to his crucifixion and death. He discussed and demonstrated what was expected of them in terms of their relationship to each other and their future relationship with him. Today’s lesson text is part of that discourse. There are several major points to be noted in the text of our lesson. Perhaps the last point is most important for understanding the subject of God’s matchless love. Jesus told them that they did not make choice of him but he made choice of them. That point is significant for everything else that he said. He chose them for a unique and very special purpose. Other than their mission assignment, his death would also make available eternal salvation for them and others. As Jesus told them, there were many things he was going to share with them but they could not bear it at that time. Jesus was preparing to demonstrate a love that is truly matchless. He was going to die a sinner’s death so that sinners could live a godly life in eternity. He died to save us when we did not know that we needed to be saved. He did not choose us because we deserved it but rather in spite of us. He chose us for a very specific purpose and that is to become witnesses for him to others who have been chosen and won’t know it until they hear and heed the gospel message even as we did. We can only do this by depending on Jesus to guide us. We must abide in him. He gives us his instructions to guide us. We must allow his words to abide in us. We receive the word of God so that we can have the instructions we need. The Holy Ghost brings to our remembrance Jesus’ instructions at the time when we need it. It is this mutual abiding that displays the matchless love of Christ operating in and through us. Because of the mutual abiding, we are used as instruments of God to be fruitful but it is Jesus who does the work. We are able to bring forth spiritual fruit because Christ is the source from whom we draw life. Each obedient Christian becomes a fruitful branch connected to the life giving true vine, Jesus Christ. Collectively, we are able to do greater works than Jesus accomplished in his three-year ministry because each branch is being sustained and supplied by Jesus. Rather than work through one human body as he did during the three years, he now works through the many bodies which are branches connected to and emanating out of him.
Robert C. Hudson
February 18, 2017