March 26, 2017
Background Scripture: Joel 2
Lesson Passage: Joel 2:12, 13, 18, 19, 28 – 32
Today’s lesson affords us a rare opportunity to examine the prophecy of the Prophet Joel as a part of the Sunday School lesson series. Some of Joel’s prophecy seems to parallel that of other writing prophets although there is no evidence in the writing that can be used to establish a date for this prophecy. Joel is only mentioned here in his prophecy and in the Book of Acts where Peter cites his prophecy as an explanation of events that occurred on the Day of Pentecost. Joel sent out a clarion call for the people of God to repent as natural disasters were beginning to affect Judah. The prophet saw in those national disasters God’s judgment against His disobedient children. Not only did he sound the warning because of the coming judgment, but in today’s lesson, he also gave a message of hope. Joel described the restoration that would come for God’s people after the judgment and repentance. It would be difficult for the people of God to see a day of hope in the midst of the judgment. Joel described the judgment as a plague of locusts and cankerworms devouring the vegetation of the land and leaving both man and beasts to suffer. But there was a promised restoration that would come with repentance. All are called upon to repent: young and old, rich and poor, laity and clergy. Such a widespread repentance would cause God to look upon His people with pity and reverse the plague and restore His blessings on them. Even the animals are assured that God’s blessing would be extended to them as well. God promised an abundance of food in the restoration and called for His people to rejoice in Him because of the coming blessings. Even that which was loss will be restored. All of this would prove God’s presence among His people. Their assurance would be in the provisions He makes for them. And then the portion of the prophecy referenced by the Apostle Peter was declared after the prophecy of the physical restoration. God would restore His people spiritually by pouring out His spirit on all flesh. Sons and daughters would prophesy. Old men would be dreamers and young men would be visionaries. Even the lowly workers, servants and handmaids, would be blessed with the Spirit of God upon them. After these events have occurred, then God would give signs and wonders as a warning that the ultimate Day of the Lord was coming. The pouring out of God’s Spirit upon all who place their faith in the finished work of Jesus on Calvary was confirmed by the Apostle Peter. It began on the Day of Pentecost, fifty days after Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. This will continue throughout what we call the Church Age (the time from the day of Pentecost to the Rapture of the church). During the Church Age, all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. As a point of clarity, the name of the Lord during the Church Age is Jesus. Jesus declared that he is the only way to God for those seeking salvation. Although the blessing of the Spirit of God is available during this age, only Jesus provides a baptism of the Holy Ghost to those who put their trust in him. It is this baptism that provides a restoration of love. It is in this baptism that one experiences the love of God made available to us through Jesus Christ. It is a restoring love.
Robert C. Hudson
February 20, 2017